Friday, December 7, 2007

Almost There!

Well the last day of classes was today. Thank the fucking lord. I'm supposed to be typing my term paper about Liszt and his sexiness but I have no motivation to do anything right now. Well except for typing my feelings for everyone to read. It's been a rocky semester to say the least. I took too many credits...21 to be exact. Well everybody said I was crazy but being the Taurus that I am said Fuck you I can do it. Well i should have listened. Instead of having A's and B's like I usually do I have 2 C's maybe three. I feel like a fuckin failure when I get a C in a class. To the the point where I look at my life in the future and see myself working at McDonalds. I know that I am blowing it out of proportion and life will go on blah blah blah. Right Now I feel like shit. I think that explains my drinking a half a bottle of wine, half a bottle of champain and smoking some illegal substances the other night. I just wanted to forget that the classes I'm floundering in the most are the one's in my major, well second major. How's that for a happy day. I thought sightsinging was bad...NO I did fuckin fantastic in that class compared to Broadcast History of New Technology or Cable Copyrighting where the teacher is not a big fan of me. The prof always says to me your writing is fantastic but you didn't underline this or you didn't double space these two lines. The assignments were all out of 11 points, and when he marks off for shit like that it makes for a pretty bad grade. AND the final project was a storyboard presentation. We had to make a 30 second Television commercial about a certain product. My assinged product was a mini chopper and on our assigned day we had to make a 10 min presentation. I spent hours working on it, drawing, gluing things together making sure everything was perfect. What did I get a C- yes all that work for that. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! I got marked down for using my pointer incorrectly..apparently I pointed with the wrong hand. I looked at my board for more than 5 sec instead of looking at the class that was like 5 point deduct. Oh and my favorite minus 4 for being gone on Monday. Well I couldn't help that now could I... My father scheduled my plane so I got back on fuckin Monday night. I mean I can see if I didn't try in the class and got those grades but to put my intelligent Lynzi brain on top of it and get those grades...makes me feel really LOW. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5....hold on I'm counting to ten........10. Okay mad rage over. But What I don't get is last fall Emily and I went out almost every weekend getting totally plastered and got way better grades than are getting put in the grade book this semester. At the end of last year I thought hey no more lessons, no more sightsinging, no more is going be a piece of cake. Well there are harder things to deal with than singing 3 lines of music in front of scott harding or playing a 20 min jury in front of the piano faculty. Those are things that I know how to do and do well. I play the piano well sightsinging was still a little iffy there at the end. Just the singing part....I am big fan of dictation. Things like this meaning the bad grades make me sit and think if I am going the right direction in life. We'll find out soon enough. I might just get my piano degree, become a hobo and sing khum ba ya around the campfire. Or I just need to calm the fuck down and go write my term paper about Liszt's sexiness. Good night. yes it's only 10 till 11 but I'm tired .......... Good night moon. Good night Cow jumping over the moon Good night brush and a bowl full of mush...I can't remember the rest.

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